Saturday, April 9, 2011

Tie Dye Pants and Sushi

Assalamualaikum beautiful, 

I just had a great Friday night with my hubby.. after almost 2 weeks going nowhere, stay at home and be a fully housewife (because of my hubby is sooo busy with his assignments).. We went to grab eat some sushi at this new place called "Sushi Zanmai" which was sooooooooo yummy! Gosshh.. and we also went to the movie to watch "Sucker Punch" which i don't really understand the story behind it.. hehehe.. I'm not really good at scientific-full of riddle-kind of movie.. But anyway, I looove last Friday night.. fun fun fun! 

What I wear: Such! Cotton Cloth Pashmina, Such! Inner Ninja, Unbranded top, 
Handmade Tie Dye pants, VNC pink gladiator sandal. 


  1. aaaa.. tie dye pants nya baguss.. itu bikin sendiri?? boleh order gak suci?? hhehe

  2. aahhh yummyyy... pengen makannnn :D

  3. Tie Dye pants nya beli di butik hand made disini say.. (KL) tp nanti klo misalnya aku bisa bikin, aku ksh tau yaa.. ;)

  4. Halo Suci... ini cara pakai shawl nya gimana? cantik sekalii... ajarin dong =p

  5. uiii, dye pants nya lucuu, pengenn :D

  6. Salam kenal mb...
    tertarik deh pengen coba gaya jilbabnya..
    klo mau nyari bahan jilbab/pashmina yg mb pake itu namanya apa y? bingung...
    Makasih mb ^^
