Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Married while in college, why wait?

Assalamualaikum beautiful, 
Surprising when a reporter from contact me and ask me to be their article's source and interview me about my experience of get married while still in college. Really appreciate the attention they gave me and trusting me to be their source. Although after I read the article, I have something to be clarify here.. Which is, I haven't graduated as Master of Marketing Communication, yet.. But insyaAllah, soon.. amiiiinnn.. 

read the full article here


  1. bener bangeet :) kalau udah mantap dan keluarga mendukung, bismillah, niat baik diiringi usaha yang baik insya Allah membuka pintu ridloNya.

  2. wah menyenangkan sekali ya sepertinya :)

    Berharap yang sama, tapi saya sudah nggak kuliah sekarang, apa perlu kuliah untuk ketiga kalinya supaya dapet jodoh ? *lost focus* XD

  3. salam sis
    you're graduate MMC soon ,InshaAllah.
    Thanks for sharing your story life even I can't understand Bahasa but I'm sure you are the sweet couple.
    I'm also married while in college,my first degree.
    Everyone we know didn't agree with our married decision but my husband and I have proved that Young Marriage keep us out from Fitnah.Furtheremore,Allah gives us many precious things.
    Allah bless you and your husband
    Hannah Muminah,Bangkok Thailand

  4. seneng bisa menemukan wanita yang berani melangkah diusia muda, aq juga menikah di usia muda, 19 tahun dan suamiku 22 tahun waktu itu,,,alhamdulillah 3 tahun berlalu dengan penuh keceriaan dan kegembiraan

    remaja masa kini jangan menghabiskan waktunya dengan pacaran, insyaAllah menikah lebih berkah ,,,

  5. salut banget, Mbak Suci....kalau niatnya untuk ibadah, InsyaAllah dimudahkan....Semoga senantiasa bahagia ya....

  6. Soo sweet ,,Baget yah kak..
    Memang bener Menikah Tu iBadah apalagi kalau Ditunjang Dengan Kesiapan menTaL, Apalagi Kalau Dah Niat,,,SubhanaLLah kak'Uchi Bener2 Dah Berani Mengambil Langkah Yang Cukup Berani,,SemOga ini Bisa Jadi Pelajaran buat Muslimah Yang Juga Punya niat Namun Blom Brani...*Q maksudnya* ehehehheheh,,,"
    smOga Jadi Keluarga sakinah Mawaddah WarrahMa..ya Ka' Sukses For ALL,,,
    segera punya Momongn ^_^

  7. Heey, i've just had a look through your blog and your posts are really good! I've just started mine, please have a look when you can/ follow me and i will be sure to follow back! It still needs a lot of work but i need some traffic haha x


  8. Already read that article. Such a inspiring story. Wish I could be like that. :)
    Thank you for your sharing dear.
    May Allah always bless you, your life and your family.. Amin :)

  9. Already read that article. Such an inspiring story. Wish I could be like that. :)
    Thank you for your sharing dear.
    May Allah always bless you, your life and your family.. Amin :)

  10. subhanallah :). Begitu kah kak Suci? hehe.. saya malah takut dengan kata menikah. hehe. i don't know why.

  11. setujaa..
    smogaa langkah menikah saat kuliah bisa menjadi penyemangat buat menyelesaikan kuliahnya dg lbh cepat lagi
    amin :)
