Friday, September 30, 2011

D.I.Y (Do It Yourself)

Assalamualaikum beautiful, do you recognize something? yes my hijab.. I did something to my Cotton Cloth Pashmina.. I found it easier to apply and to wear.. well, at least I have 1 CCP with different shape.. hehe.. Here I'll share you how to do it yourself, so easy! Lets called this handcraft as "CCP Polem" yeah right.. 

*CCP (Cotton Cloth Pashmina) you can buy it here


  1. CCP itu apa ya, suci ? :)

    mungkin itu cara yang tepat supaya bagian atas hijab nggak berantakan ;)

  2. lucu deh... pengen coba. kalo di bagian kerutannya di tambahin bros bagus jg kn..

  3. Saya suka utak-atik dengan bikin "polem" begitu dengan bros, jadi gag permanen...jadi misal pgn ganti lagi gayanya, bisa diubah2...kalo pake bros kan juga bisa diganti bros-nya...
    tapi nice tips, Teh..tadinya gag pede dg model yg spt ini, tp klo Teteh ternyata bikin yg permanen saya mantep dg utak-atik bros buat bikin "polem"nya...

  4. hi suchi. i really luv style. by the way, i'm frm u do delivery here if wanna buy some of ur hijabs /clothes?

  5. thx bwt tipsnya, saya udah coba tp dilengan baju lucu juga :)
