Sunday, November 27, 2011

Happy New Year 1433 H

Assalamualaikum Beeautiful,

Alhamdulillah a new year has come.. Subhanallah.. Time flies, yes it does.. I realize there are so many mistakes what I've done in the past year, but I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. All those mistakes from the past I treat as many lessons that I should learn and experience to be remembered. Well, for this new year, let's maintain our good deeds from the past and make them even better.. For the wrong-doing? just remember not to redo them.. May Allah continuously shower us with blessings, rizqi, barokah, prosperous and happy life.. Aamiin..

Aaaand, I made (actually my husband made me) a very short new year greetings video.. Hope you like it.. Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR or HAPPY MAAL HIJRAH everyone.. :)


  1. kak suchi :D
    bisa nggak buatin tutorial hijab, yang bagus buat fashion show itu yang gimana ya kak suchi? hehe :D makasih..

  2. aku mau tau cara bikin video ini pakai apa ???
    *needinfo ka thx
