Monday, December 19, 2011

Penang Trip

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

Last weekend, me and hubby had a trip to Penang Island, 5 hours from Kuala Lumpur. We went there by bus, and it was a long fun journey we had. We depart from Sunway Pyramid at 8.00 in the morning, and arrived at Penang at 2pm. Since it was weekend and holiday, so the traffic was really crowded. As we get there, we checked in to our hotel first, which was Tunes hotel by Air Asia. Tunes is budget hotel which dedicated mostly for the backpackers. When I said budget, means cheap.. ahahaha.. but the room was nice and comfy to sleep at.

Anyway, after we checked in.. we decided to go to the beach.. Penang is an island, and of course it is surrounded by sea.. so we want to see it, especially my hubby.. he loves sea, he loves ocean, beach, sand.. and honestly.. I don't really like sea sight.. I'm afraid of the wave, the wind, bla bla bla.. Buuttt, because of my hubby was very excited, so I also excited.. since it was a budget trip, so we managed to find a bus to get there.. the beach name is Batu Feringghi.

And yeah, apparently to find a bus that goes to Batu Feringghi was not easy.. especially from the bus stop near to our hotel.. So we have to walk about 5 blocks away to find the bus we're looking for and we found it!  Alhamdulillah.. After long drive, finally we saw sea! and cliff.. wow.. cool.. but the bus hasn't stop yet, and we don't know where should we stop.. so we just wait, hoping that the driver will shout "Feringghi!".. but, he didn't say anything until the bus almost empty.. So my hubby asked him where should we stop to see the beach, and the driver said that we've already passed it! Astagfirullah.. so we stop at the next bus stop, and wait for another bus from the opposite ways because we have to turn the opposite direction and went back.. And yeah, another long time waiting for the bus which finally come and it was the same bus with the previous.. Ahahaha.. And this time, the driver help us by told us where to stop.. Alhamdulillah, after getting lost and long walk and almost gave up.. we finally found the beach! yeaayyy..

 And the next day, we went to Queens Bay.. Near the bus pool where we depart to go back to Sunway.. And weird thing was, it was so sunny (obviously) and I didn't bring my sunglasses.. Therefore, I almost couldn't open my eyes.. it was so bright and sunny.. my eyes was hurt.. so I shut my eyes so many times.. Including when my hubby took pictures..

Alhamdulillah it was a short-fun-meaningful trip. It was fun because we tried to make fun every mistakes that we made during this trip. We lost, over stop, tired of walking, but we had a lot of fun together.. For me, being married.. not only to the person but also married his personality, hobbies, interest.. Now I started to like sea and beach.. Outdoor activity.. because my hubby love them! hehehe.. Hopefully there will be next trip for us.. :) 


  1. potonya bagus bagus kak, jadi pengen liburan juga :D

  2. Nice trip ka! hbs baca post kaka jadi kangen Penang.. T_T Kapan2 balik jln2 ke Penang lagi ka, banyak tempat yg bagus untuk dikunjungin. :)

  3. enjoy your days dear ;) coz once you have a baby, u wont get that much time to spend together with your hubby ;) I wish you'll had one soon. Amien ;)

  4. suci! sempat ga ke night market Feringghi?? -airinrarynn :)

  5. Asslmkm Suci, aku penggemar blog & produk2mu, selama ini silent reader, baru sekarang berani komen :P
    U went to Penang ? Wisata kulinernya mantap lho :D Kota tuanya juga cantik. Nyaris 4 tahun tinggal disini (dan masih disini), aku masih aja mesmerized sama Penang. Next time kalo kesini berkabar2i aja, mau deh jadi tour guidenya, hehe.

  6. mbak suchi,,,selmat menikmati lburannya...Q suka banget nongkrong lama2 diblog ini, selalu ada imajinasi yang baru, <3

  7. Thanks for all beautiful comments..

    @Aini: waahh, andai aku tau dr awall.. Aku agak kesulitan cari makanan wkt disana.. Karna aku takut gak halal.. Padahal pgn bgtt nyobaa..

    @Airin: iyaa aku ksanaaa.. hihihi

  8. u went to malaysia? why dont say it early..hehe~ it wasnt that hard to search for halal food here in penang, maybe u need tour guide then. =)

  9. kakak. queensbay dan batu ferigghi udah dekat sma rumah. knp gak bilang dtg ke sni? klo nggak bisa mampir.

  10. Aaa.. Ternyata banyak ada temen yg di Penang yaa.. Iyaa, kmrn butuh guide bgtt akuu.. Krn baru pertama kalii.. Lain kali klo ada rejeki main ksana lagi dehh.. Hihihi..

  11. Sucii salam kenal !
    Ih... fotomu, bikin aku kangenn penang !! itu tempat aku main smuaa x( bahkan saking cintanya sama penang, aku tau pantai yang bagus selain batu feringghi, itu di kawasan balik pulau (naik bis 2 jam nunggu , 30 menit nyampe) Penang emang ngangenin X( uhiks ~
