Tuesday, July 17, 2012

A day with HijabComm Tangerang

Assalamualaikum Beautiful,

July 15th , 2012.. A day start not so early.. Me and hubby still "leyeh2" on our bed after subuh prayer until 8 a.m.. Yes, we didn't really in a rush because it was Sunday morning.. buuuttt, in spite of that.. I know that I have an exciting event to attend.. which is Grand Launching of HijabComm Tangerang.. They invited me as hijab tutor for that event.. Alhamdulillah..

So I started to prepare myself.. took a bath, did my make up and hijab.. And we took off at 11.30 pm to the venue which took place at Gedung Serba Guna Palem Semi, Karawaci Tangerang. As always, my husband, my mom and dad came along with me. Its so nice to have my family along in every event that I should attend. Makes me feel more comfortable and secure. Anyway, I arrived at 13.30.. yes it was a quite long trip for us from Depok to Karawaci.. hihihi..

As I got there, the event have already started.. It was opened by powerful and great tausyiah by Ustadzah Denok. After that, the community was verified and officially launched by Pimpinan Komisi III DPRD Tangerang. Congratulations!! aannddd after the community was officially launched, it was my turn to the stage and have my spot. Wow, it was nerve wrecking since the audience was quite a lot and they all looks pretty..

 Started with talkshow lead by the MC of the day Sari. 

All the beautiful audience, and my mom was at the front row wearing yellow

Photo session with the audiences, it was fun, chaos and funny

Me with the committee. Yes! it was only the 5 of them arranging this grand lauching.

Me with the President of HijabComm Tangerang, Putri
Both of us are expecting! alhamdulillah
Thank you HijabComm Tangerang for having me, thanks for your hospitality and warm welcome. It was a great event, moreover arranged only by 5 persons! wow.. And for you who live in Tangerang, you may be part of them and seek about their info through their twitter account @HijabCommTNG. See you soon girls..


  1. Yeayyy .. Duo bumil bersatu .. Hihihii

  2. cantik mb suci

  3. Sista Suci, jd semakin chubby... tp tetep cantik.. subhanallah..

  4. sista suci semakin chubby, tp tetep cantik.. subhanallah.. semoga sehat terus yaa

  5. Salam kenal. Mudah2an bisa ikutan acara di Tangerangnya kapan2, mumpung lagi tinggal di Tangerang, he..he..

    Selamat atas kehamilannya ya sis..

  6. Salam Sobat jakarta
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  7. Tersedia guru dalam jumlah amat banyak (tutor Tangerang). Ulasan nyata dan harga tepat. Pilih tutor sekarang, guru privat bahasa asing https://preply.com/id/Tangerang/guru
