Thursday, February 24, 2011

Meatball and Chicken with Herb

Girls, me and my husband had a late lunch at IKEA. I really want its Swedish Meatball, which is sooo super duper yummy! Actually, It was took a quite journey from where i live to IKEA. And my husband usually didn't approve us to go too far because of.. hmmm.. lazy? ahahaha.. But since I insist that I really want to eat that special meatball, finally he approved! yeayyy.. And now, I'd like to share the yummiest meatball evahhh..

 Harem pants by Ria Miranda


  1. suci...cantik deh...
    itu daleman nya pake daleman ninja yg kamu jual apa apa ciput arab biasa?

  2. haloo... terima kasihh.. itu pake ciput arab biasa koq.. :)

  3. di ikea malaysia apa spore?
    kl di spore, make sure u order from the halal section yah ;)

  4. ini IKEA malaysia.. klo malaysia halah semua kan ya? I concern..
